evo awards

Evolution EVE Online (миссия)

На днях сторилайн-агент выдал мне следующую миссию - Evolution. В общем-то ничего необычного - уничтожить зараженную станцию. Проблема одна - миссия эта - в  системе Jan, так называемый LawSec - гарлем с горсткой недоносков, охотящихся на карибасов. Потерять тенгу в фракционном обвесе не хотелось бы.. (:

Прохожу следующим образом: 3 варпстаба вниз, полетел. По прилету нахожу станцию, врубаю афтербурнер и кружу на оптимале. Как только начнете прицеливаться, сразу сагрятся фриги. Сеткуют, сосут энергию и глушат, с тремя варпстабами отлететь не смог. Не обращаете внимания, убиваете станцию, если хватит танка. После станции убиваете одного фрига с дисварпом и можно отчаливать. Следите за подсканом, конечно, если локал полон "гостей". Удачи!

Eve Evolution

Hang on, I need to finish this call.
Really, another one? That same station, huh? Well, I don't know what the capsuleer was flying. What do you want me to do, hold their hands? No, don't even joke about that. One more? Do you really think it's going to be any different? Okay, but don't blame me if this one fails, too.
Okay now, where were we? Oh, yes, the exciting opportunity I have for you today! It's a bit run-of-the-mill, but I think you've earned an easy one, friend. It's just a tiny little rogue drone problem. There couldn't be more than half a dozen of the little bastards. I'll bet if you just zip in there and rattle off a few shots at the infested station, they'll scatter like frightened children. What do you say?
Declining a mission from a particular agent more than once every 4 hours will result in a loss of standing with that agent.

This is an important mission, which will have significant impact on your faction standings.

Evolution Objectives
The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:
Destroy the infested station.        
Location    0,4 Jan (Low Sec Warning!)   

This site contains normal ship restrictions.
(The route generated by current autopilot settings contains low security systems!)

The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission:
1 520 000 ISK   

Bonus Rewards
The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 6 hours
2 090 000 ISK
