[ 2011.08.30 19:12:01 ] Drahken > Buzz Kill
[ 2011.08.30 19:13:09 ] Geofferybg > me nm just waiting for some stuff to finish blowing up
[ 2011.08.30 19:13:30 ] Kidkong > lol what are least fav missions distribution ? they do suck
[ 2011.08.30 19:13:40 ] SeriFlamehair > buzzkill used to be hard till i got the tengu
[ 2011.08.30 19:14:09 ] Drahken > it's not tough just annoying
[ 2011.08.30 19:14:54 ] SeriFlamehair > hard as in cruise missiles doing 6 damage
[ 2011.08.30 19:15:10 ] Drahken > nah i'm in a rattlesnake
[ 2011.08.30 19:15:23 ] Geofferybg > im in a megathron
[ 2011.08.30 19:15:33 ] Geofferybg > but only got lvl 2 misions :(
[ 2011.08.30 19:15:40 ] Drahken > just gotta watch the respawns
[ 2011.08.30 19:16:44 ] Kidkong > cruise doing 6 damage hardly worth it
[ 2011.08.30 19:17:07 ] Drahken > well I turned down an Amarr mission so gotta do it
[ 2011.08.30 19:17:23 ] SeriFlamehair > the elite frigs in that was a pita in a cnr
[ 2011.08.30 19:17:33 ] SeriFlamehair > the tengu spanks them quickly
[ 2011.08.30 19:18:12 ] Kidkong > ah same i don't do faction missions so if 2 crap ones come up end up doing distribution so boring
[ 2011.08.30 19:18:42 ] SeriFlamehair > i just take a break
[ 2011.08.30 19:19:24 ] Kidkong > tried that but I hate mining that is mind numbing head will cave in
[ 2011.08.30 19:20:05 ] SeriFlamehair > :P that is how i make most of my isk unfortunatly
[ 2011.08.30 19:21:31 ] Kidkong > nah rather mission salvage thats how make mine do l3 and some l4 solo so loot good to can make about 60 to 100 mil a day if get good missions
[ 2011.08.30 19:23:13 ] Kidkong > really hate mining done to much of it
[ 2011.08.30 19:34:29 ] serumph > i never mine but i can if i need something really boring to do in eve
[ 2011.08.30 19:35:29 ] Kidkong > do it if am cooking that way can leave it to it for 15 mins a time
[ 2011.08.30 19:35:35 ] SeriFlamehair > tis boreing but pays the bills
[ 2011.08.30 19:37:27 ] Kidkong > nope not worth it I dont think manufacture is almost at a loss cheaper to buy stuff that make your self
[ 2011.08.30 19:39:22 ] Geofferybg > i manafacture stuff and make a profit
[ 2011.08.30 19:39:56 ] SeriFlamehair > mfg is strange was doing 2-300m a day with it but prices dropped alot
[ 2011.08.30 19:40:18 ] Geofferybg > yeah depends on what ur manafacturing
[ 2011.08.30 19:40:21 ] Drahkesh > market is fluid
[ 2011.08.30 19:40:33 ] Drahkesh > people see something has nice margins everyone switches
[ 2011.08.30 19:40:39 ] Drahkesh > something get's neglected and goes up
[ 2011.08.30 19:40:44 ] Drahkesh > people move to the next or old thing
[ 2011.08.30 19:40:45 ] Kidkong > really how ? only time make anything is if loose a ship and make own ammo but market to volitile
[ 2011.08.30 19:40:52 ] serumph > does the attack of the drones mission have any decent salvage
[ 2011.08.30 19:40:53 ] Geofferybg > for example a intem i had 3 months ago and couldnt move for 100k just sold for 1.6 mil
[ 2011.08.30 19:41:42 ] Rogueweapon > i need help with mission
[ 2011.08.30 19:41:50 ] serumph > where
[ 2011.08.30 19:42:05 ] Rogueweapon > 5zxx
[ 2011.08.30 19:42:15 ] Kidkong > drones all good to salvage and some of mins they hold is good when refined has morphite in it
[ 2011.08.30 19:42:21 ] Drahkesh > IT'S A TRAP!!
[ 2011.08.30 19:42:33 ] Rogueweapon > no it isnt , i need help
[ 2011.08.30 19:42:43 ] serumph > only 42 jumps for me
[ 2011.08.30 19:42:44 ] Geofferybg > mmmm Morphite nom nom nom i go threw a fair amount f that stuff
[ 2011.08.30 19:42:54 ] Kidkong > 48 jumps away aint gonna happen mate sorry
[ 2011.08.30 19:43:05 ] SeriFlamehair > would need to go ice mine in caldari space for fuel however
[ 2011.08.30 19:49:52 ] Mariaflyfly > Wouldn't buying the ice be more cost effective?
[ 2011.08.30 19:50:05 ] Mariaflyfly > Except, you'll most likely be feedint he troll by doing so...ofc
[ 2011.08.30 19:50:32 ] SeriFlamehair > or feeding a bot
[ 2011.08.30 19:51:00 ] Mariaflyfly > Troll in this context == bot :)
[ 2011.08.30 19:51:00 ] Geofferybg > not at 250 000 per brick and 4 bricks per ten min on a mack
[ 2011.08.30 19:51:43 ] Geofferybg > looking at 1 mil per ten min so by the time you look at the cost of your time and effort finding the ice on market can be cheaper to mine
[ 2011.08.30 19:52:09 ] SkyCrane > Alright
[ 2011.08.30 19:53:04 ] SeriFlamehair > ice buy is 138k a block
[ 2011.08.30 19:54:09 ] Geofferybg > its dropped a fair amount since i last mined it in empire then
[ 2011.08.30 19:54:41 ] SeriFlamehair > huge amount yes
[ 2011.08.30 19:56:21 ] Geofferybg > anyway time i head ofline u guys have fun
[ 2011.08.30 19:56:42 ] SeriFlamehair > just running around in a circle
[ 2011.08.30 20:02:15 ] Kidkong > seri why dont you mission then fleet up and do l4 or l5 ones ?
[ 2011.08.30 20:02:38 ] SeriFlamehair > dont do lvl 5
[ 2011.08.30 20:03:00 ] Kidkong > why
[ 2011.08.30 20:03:43 ] Mariaflyfly > Because she choose not to
[ 2011.08.30 20:03:50 ] Mariaflyfly > Like me
[ 2011.08.30 20:03:52 ] SeriFlamehair > aboutthe time i was just about ready with multiple boost fc wing and squad with ships that could pack all 12 of the links 1 overtanked passive 1 dps ship they removed them from highsec
[ 2011.08.30 20:04:48 ] Kidkong > there are l5 agents in high sec still few in ammar and in mim space
[ 2011.08.30 20:05:24 ] SeriFlamehair > there are no lvl 5 agents in highsec have to drop to low to get it. and a very very small chance of a highsec mission now
[ 2011.08.30 20:07:31 ] SeriFlamehair > Boost it Baby Missing Links
[ 2011.08.30 20:07:41 ] SeriFlamehair > and have a damnation pilot
[ 2011.08.30 20:08:54 ] Kidkong > guess then need to be established fleet if do missions in low sec
[ 2011.08.30 20:09:23 ] Drahkesh > you can solo 5's if setup properly
[ 2011.08.30 20:09:29 ] Drahkesh > but with an alt is better
[ 2011.08.30 20:09:45 ] Kidkong > indeed as sure that pirates abound
[ 2011.08.30 20:09:53 ] Drahkesh > but having to always worry about being ganked not worth the hassell
[ 2011.08.30 20:10:11 ] SeriFlamehair > pretty much
[ 2011.08.30 20:10:17 ] Bl00D HOunD > cant you cloaky boost ?
[ 2011.08.30 20:10:28 ] SeriFlamehair > and i like my training speed
[ 2011.08.30 20:10:30 ] SeriFlamehair > and no you cant
[ 2011.08.30 20:10:44 ] SeriFlamehair > if you plant a pos they could boost at the pos
[ 2011.08.30 20:11:03 ] Kidkong > cloaking slows you right down and if they get close you screwed because you pop out of it
[ 2011.08.30 20:11:17 ] SeriFlamehair > cant run gang links while cloaked
[ 2011.08.30 20:17:37 ] Rogueweapon > i need help with mission
[ 2011.08.30 20:17:59 ] Bl00D HOunD > which one and where
[ 2011.08.30 20:18:15 ] Mariaflyfly > He's just trolling
[ 2011.08.30 20:19:29 ] SeriFlamehair > if refering to rogue block him. he is trying to get you to go to null so he can kill you
[ 2011.08.30 20:19:50 ] Dabayabaza > wonder if he has succeded even once..
[ 2011.08.30 20:21:48 ] Bl00D HOunD > this is why i asked where....
[ 2011.08.30 20:21:52 ] Kidkong > to far for me to go and bother with that game
[ 2011.08.30 20:22:06 ] Drahkesh > Rogueweapon > 5zxx
[ 2011.08.30 20:22:18 ] Destamon > how come i knew what this convo was about from maria's line alone even though i only just got on... sigh
[ 2011.08.30 20:22:41 ] Bl00D HOunD > lolll
[ 2011.08.30 20:22:47 ] Bl00D HOunD > tahts hilarious
[ 2011.08.30 20:22:51 ] Bl00D HOunD > thats*
[ 2011.08.30 20:23:24 ] Bl00D HOunD > but what if we came with a cyno fitted shipp -_- and hottdropped his ass
[ 2011.08.30 20:23:43 ] Dabayabaza > Mission question: How do I get an Epic Arc mission?
[ 2011.08.30 20:23:53 ] Destamon > you need to talk to epic arc agent
[ 2011.08.30 20:24:02 ] Drahken > http://eve-survival.org/wikka.php?wakka=MissionReportsEpicArc
[ 2011.08.30 20:24:07 ] Destamon > apart from the level 1 arc you need to have standing with their corp
[ 2011.08.30 20:24:14 ] Drahken > 6.8 corp or faction standing
[ 2011.08.30 20:24:23 ] Drahken > either one
[ 2011.08.30 20:24:34 ] Dabayabaza > I have 7.26 wit hcaldary navy
[ 2011.08.30 20:24:47 ] Drahken > well it's not a caldari navy agent
[ 2011.08.30 20:24:50 ] Drahken > that does you no good
[ 2011.08.30 20:24:54 ] Dabayabaza > aw
[ 2011.08.30 20:25:06 ] Drahken > 6.8 (Either Caldari faction or Expert Distribution)
[ 2011.08.30 20:27:52 ] Destamon > expert distribution, ministry of internal order, dunno the other ones
[ 2011.08.30 20:28:38 ] Kidkong > I want to do an epic mission never done one at all
[ 2011.08.30 20:29:35 ] Emiko P'eng > The best starter epic is the 'Sisters of EVE' arc. It is all money though no goodies!
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