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Англоязычная Eve Online: вы там о чем вообще?

В Eve Online сотни каналов для чата. Есть тематические, корпоративные, альянсовые, каналы помощи на всех языках, которыми пользуются Eve Online'ры. Среди них немало толковых полезных площадок - адекватные комьюнити в игре вовсе даже не редкость. Тем не менее, есть и всякая шелуха - скучающий капсулер, летящий по импе на дальнее расстояние автопилотом просто не знает, чем себя занять. И то верно, если для тебя Eve Online давно стала бесплатной, почему бы и не потрещать.. (:


Channel ID:      23
Channel Name:    Alliances\Freelancer
Listener:        Tin Lime
Session started: 2011.06.03 19:53:57

[ 2011.06.03 21:17:38 ] Narmaah > hello
[ 2011.06.03 21:18:18 ] Narmaah > just wondering what this channel is all about ,
[ 2011.06.03 21:18:44 ] Sitchenn Reddas > Whole lot of nothing I see. Been in the channel two days and you're the first person I've seen chat.
[ 2011.06.03 21:19:51 ] Narmaah > lol funny as well nice to meet ya
[ 2011.06.03 21:20:10 ] Sitchenn Reddas > *bows*
[ 2011.06.03 21:21:36 ] Narmaah > r u looking for a corp or an alliance ?
[ 2011.06.03 21:23:09 ] Sitchenn Reddas > Eve Online - a corp eventually, this week is a bad week as I'm moving to a new city.
[ 2011.06.03 21:23:40 ] Narmaah > cool where u headed ?
[ 2011.06.03 21:24:07 ] Sitchenn Reddas > Won't be active for at least maybe three weeks as I'll between apartments. Up north in Wisconsin.
[ 2011.06.03 21:25:22 ] Sitchenn Reddas > Got a promotion. So I need to relocate.
[ 2011.06.03 21:25:40 ] Narmaah > congrats
[ 2011.06.03 21:25:46 ] Sitchenn Reddas > Thanks.
[ 2011.06.03 21:26:00 ] Narmaah > r u usaully a active player ?
[ 2011.06.03 21:26:59 ] Sitchenn Reddas > I'm on most evenings for at least 3-4 hours in Central time.
[ 2011.06.03 21:27:12 ] Narmaah > iam a hyper active player lol
[ 2011.06.03 21:27:20 ] Narmaah > thats cool
[ 2011.06.03 21:27:51 ] Sitchenn Reddas > Yeah, I can't play that way anymore. Economy is rough and I've got bills to pay
[ 2011.06.03 21:28:22 ] Narmaah > yeah that sucks
[ 2011.06.03 21:28:26 ] Sitchenn Reddas > And too busy dating chicks.
[ 2011.06.03 21:28:40 ] Narmaah > hehe nice work
[ 2011.06.03 21:29:19 ] Sitchenn Reddas > You run the corp you're in?
[ 2011.06.03 21:30:44 ] Narmaah > yeah its new iam looking for co operative and productive players  ,, would u like me to invite u to my chat channel
[ 2011.06.03 21:31:51 ] Narmaah > and u r welcome to join
[ 2011.06.03 21:33:18 ] Sitchenn Reddas > What are the benefits of joining your corp?
[ 2011.06.03 21:33:37 ] Narmaah > all the support u need :)
[ 2011.06.03 21:34:08 ] Narmaah > its what we make it
[ 2011.06.03 21:35:01 ] Sitchenn Reddas > Until the corp gets war decced and I'm stuck in a station in a system with many flashy red bad guys...haha
[ 2011.06.03 21:35:11 ] Narmaah > i will invite u to my social channel .,,, pls feel free to leave or stay
[ 2011.06.03 21:35:43 ] Narmaah > hehe true i haveplans to get a large corp and alliance
[ 2011.06.03 21:36:07 ] Sitchenn Reddas > With whom?
[ 2011.06.03 21:37:19 ] Narmaah > people with the same goal as me
[ 2011.06.03 21:37:30 ] Narmaah > it will happen
[ 2011.06.03 21:37:36 ] Narmaah > hopes
[ 2011.06.03 21:37:47 ] Sitchenn Reddas > Hope is not a plan.
[ 2011.06.03 21:38:31 ] Narmaah > dreams
[ 2011.06.03 21:39:10 ] Narmaah > but seriously atm we r still just playn the game
[ 2011.06.03 21:39:49 ] Sitchenn Reddas > I admire your aspiration.
[ 2011.06.03 21:41:25 ] Narmaah > this game rocks
[ 2011.06.03 21:42:45 ] Narmaah > i am about to invite u to my channel k
[ 2011.06.03 21:43:03 ] Narmaah > u can stay or leave up to u, Eve Online is cool when г have somebody to chan with
[ 2011.06.03 21:44:09 ] Sitchenn Reddas > I really don't think your corp offers anything I would be interested in. Unless you plan on giving me an incentive to join.
[ 2011.06.03 21:44:34 ] Narmaah > u dont have to join my corp
[ 2011.06.03 21:44:52 ] Narmaah > i dont mind either way
[ 2011.06.03 21:45:28 ] Narmaah > just social channel
[ 2011.06.03 21:45:37 ] Sitchenn Reddas > Unless your offering a recruitment bonus to join or a referal bonus that is.
[ 2011.06.03 21:46:57 ] Narmaah > there is all the isk u want or need even without joining my corp
[ 2011.06.03 21:47:25 ] Narmaah > we r just social atm nothing major
[ 2011.06.03 21:48:15 ] Sitchenn Reddas > I could be persuaded if your offering ISK for me to join or you can pay me for pilots who join your corp for referrals.
[ 2011.06.03 21:48:46 ] Sitchenn Reddas > This is the Freelancer channel after all. *grins*
[ 2011.06.03 21:49:38 ] Narmaah > ohh ok fffor active and the right players of course not isk for jokes
[ 2011.06.03 21:51:41 ] Narmaah > do u run lvl 4s
[ 2011.06.03 21:52:10 ] Narmaah > and what ur expertise in the game so far ?
[ 2011.06.03 21:52:34 ] Narmaah > missions or mining or pvp ?
[ 2011.06.04 00:09:47 ] khareem nevels > where you all at


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